Monday, September 30, 2013

Fog days, Dr's. and High School Conferences

Today was an interesting day all around.  It started with a much anticipated and celebrated fog delay.  By 8:30 a.m. school was cancelled because of fog.  Wow!  So we enjoyed an unexpected three day weekend.  Meg, Cam and I spent the morning playing a game of MouseTrap.  I, of course, was caught first and therefore the loser.  We then headed to Subway for lunch and played a game of Hearts at Grandma Jane's.  Meg is not a big fan of the game, so only Cal, Cam, Grandma and I joined in the fun.  Cal ended up losing that game, but not without Cameron becoming extremely frustrated with him, throwing his cards down and vowing to never play again.  Everyone was so busy trying to play the Queen of Spades on each other, that Grandma slid by beating us all easily.

As the afternoon wore on, Cameron and Grandma headed to the golf course.  Meg hung out at home and I took Cal to see our family doctor about his ankle.  I had made an appointment at the orthopedic doctors, just in case and was glad that I did.  Cal had met with the trainer for some exercises late last week.  The trainer thought that he'd be in the boot one more week and then ready for an ankle brace and physical therapy.  Thus, the family doctor threw us for a loop when he said four more weeks in the boot and Cal would be lucky to play basketball this year.  I looked at him and said "for a sprained ankle?"  The doctor said that he really didn't know for sure, but wanted us to be cautious and get the orthopedic's opinion.  Thankful I had already made the appointment, Cal and I left the office a little unsure.

I dropped Cal off and made sure everyone had dinner.  I then met Doug at the high school for conferences.  Cal had all A's at midterm except for pre-calculus in which he has a high B.  Hard for us to complain, especially with how busy he has been.  The teachers all had great reports to give us about his time in their classes and a few study tips.  The football coach told us not to despair about the family doctor's report.  He tells all of his boys to go to the orthopedic first.  It is their job to get you healed and back on the playing field.   I felt better about that.

Doug and I headed to dinner afterward.  A strange day, but overall a pretty good one.  Now we can only hope for a fog delay tomorrow as well!

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