Saturday, March 5, 2016

New Adventures

Brett called today about a possible job opportunity that would take him to Montana or Maine this summer.  Wow!  At first I was a little taken back as those are quite some distance from Indiana. The more we talked, however, I realized that this was something Brett had put a lot of thought into and very excited about.  Thus, we spent a good deal of time talking over logistics and such of a temporary move to a far off state.  We also talked of his working for the Michigan Republican party and that is still something that he is putting a good deal of time and effort into.  No matter where he ends up it will be an exciting time to work in politics.  The political debates have been interesting to say the least and the showdown that is to come this summer between the Democratic and Republican nominees should be entertaining.

Doug, Cam, Meg and I also had a new adventure tonight.  We decided to try Maple City Indian Cuisine in Goshen.  Everyone was able to try several different foods ranging from chicken curry to lamb to rice pudding.  Not everyone liked everything, but the overall rating was two thumbs up.  Doug and I were glad to have a new place to eat.  We have both grown tired of Buffalo Wild Wings and this was a nice change.  We topped off the evening with a trip to Honey's (or Fro Yo as Cameron calls it.)  I did not think that gummy worms would taste great on frozen yogurt, but Cam assured me that they did.  I decided to play it safe with Yellow Cake Batter.

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