Sunday, February 28, 2016

What a Beautiful Day!!

It was absolutely gorgeous here today and reminded me of late Spring.  Cameron even noticed that there was a lot of snow already gone from all that we had these last few days.  Everyone took advantage of it and Cal was able to get a group together for basketball at the LYC.  Doug and I took a 45 minute walk after he jogged, and Cam got the guinea pig cage cleaned without having to traipse through drifts of snow. 

We also had time to clean the basement.  Doug started at 9:30 this morning picking up and vacuuming.  Cam, Meg and I joined after lunch.  I organized and washed the bedding while they dusted.  It looked very nice when we were done and thanks to Doug's hard work we were finished before 3 p.m. 

Meg had a friend over this evening and my parents came down to play Trumpet and Hearts.  Afterward we all watched parts of the Oscars.  Mad Max won the majority of the awards at the beginning.  I didn't even remember that was a movie this year.  Cal was disappointed that Star Wars wasn't nominated for much.  Doug used the time to work on the Darth Vader puzzle.  Cam and I almost made it up to the end, but by 11 p.m we zonked out.  It was a great way to end our winter break!!

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