Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Long Day

Being a part time teacher is a lot more work than I anticipated when I took the position.  I love the students and we have a lot of fun in my class.  Days like today, though, make me rethink my decision.  I do not have a prep period during the morning.  If we do not have meetings first thing, then I use the 30 minutes before class starts to get some work done.  This time, however, is mostly taken up with logging in grades or our plans for the week.  Thus, most of my lesson plans and grading are done at home on my own time.

Today, I had to stay at school to get my writing lab students papers posted to their blogs.  They weren't able to do it as there was a glitch in the process.  It took me almost an hour, but I did get it done.  I then had to laminate several pieces for a matching activity for 6th grade.  I graded their vitamin posters and changed the bulletin board outside my room to display their hard work.  I ran to the store to buy supplies for the upcoming sewing projects and spent quite a bit of time getting the instruction sheet and supply lists ready to hand out to students.  I wrapped up at school preparing student led conference scripts about the time I was to pick up Cameron.  Thus, I handed off Meg's pop and cookies for her soccer party to her and headed for home.

I would like to say the work ended there, but today was not one of those days.  Since Meg was at her party, Cal was at tennis and Cam went golfing, I used the time to plan a laundry unit for my seventh and eighth graders.  Doug was busy with soccer as they had away game.  By the time he called close to 9 p.m. I had finally finished for the evening.  I was exhausted and definitely questioning my decision to take on this new roll.  Thus, I cannot say that I always love working, but I do love the students and being a part of Meg's and Cam's school.  Tomorrow is always another day!  

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