Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Stellar Week

This will be a week that I will be very thankful to have behind us.  As I backed out of the garage this morning I wrecked the van.  A multitude of reasons contributed to this disaster.  The bikes had fallen, so Doug pulled in further to the left.  He parked the van in the garage last night at an angle, so I didn't realize that I wasn't pulling out straight.  Cal's ankle was extremely swollen this morning, so we rushed around to get him some ice and a plan for him to stay home part of the day.  Doug was calling to apologize for a misunderstanding from last night and I was hurrying out to get to a meeting at school.

All of these combined led to a disaster.  The van door was stuck in the open position and I was a mess.  We switched over to Brett's truck and Doug headed for home to take care of the van.  By the time we got there twenty minutes late, I was in tears.  I didn't try to catch the end of the meeting.  I needed some time to get myself together.  One of my autistic students was getting off of the bus in a horrible mood and I knew I couldn't greet him without taking a moment to catch my breath.

So the day went on.  It was commercial day in my classroom as we have been studying the differences between store brand and name brand products (costs - especially from the advertising.)  We all laughed at the top Dorito commercials of all time.  Everyone was in a better mood than when the day started.

Thus, the Heinisch family survived.  Meg had her eye doctor appointment in the afternoon.  Cameron used our mishap this morning as a story in writer's workshop.  Cal made it to school by 10 a.m. Doug was able to get the van to the body shop.  Although, we will have to take it back to be fixed correctly, for now the door closes.  My parents, Cameron and I all saw Meg play a great soccer game.  Cal rode along to NLC to cheer on his tennis team and Doug coached one more soccer game.

When I ran into the AD at the high school, I apologized for missing his speech in the morning about social media.  I explained that I had wrecked the van and didn't get in on time.  He looked at me and said, "Man, you're having one stellar week."  I smiled and agreed, hoping to never have a week like this anytime soon.

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