Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Blink of an Eye

The last 24 hours in the Heinisch Home have been a blur.  Taking care of Cal has become a priority.  Mom has had to come up to get him to school.  We have all had to learn to wrap his ankle, help him put on a boot, fill bags of ice and keep his ankle elevated.

As I returned to school this morning, many thoughts crossed my mind.  First and foremost was how life can change in the blink of an eye.  We were riding a big high Monday night as the tennis team won its first NLC match.  Tuesday night they were more than likely going to win their second and ride a big wave of success into the NLC tourney.  All of that changed with a rebound, ten seconds of a basketball game.

I was sad and disappointed.  Sounds silly, but I have been really enjoying Cal's tennis success and watching him develop some great friendships over the season.  Although the season would have more than likely ended next week at sectionals, I wasn't quite prepared for the abrupt change.

This morning I explained to my students why I had missed the day before and showed them a picture of Cal after the emergency room visit.  As they marveled at the size of the boot that he has to wear (those size 13s look even bigger in boot form), one of them asked me if Cal was a senior.  When I told her that he is only a sophomore, she said, "Then it's OK, Mrs. Heinisch.  He still has two more years to be part of the team."

She is totally correct.  This is only a minor set back in the grand scheme of life.  Soon it will be just a memory.  Thankful that our life was not permanently altered on that fateful morning.  Cannot imagine the despair that some families receive when the phone rings with more life changing news.  Hope that the Heinisch children remain the happy, healthy four that they are.

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