Cal texted me yesterday to let me know that his ear was hurting and that he couldn't hear very well out of it. I wasn't too surprised by that as he had been having problems when he was here at Christmas. I was, however, concerned as he said that it had gotten worse when he was taking a walk a few days ago and that everything was muffled. He couldn't even listen to music as it was too distorted (although I thought that might help with Bob Dylan's voice.)
After texting him for a while about it, Cal decided to not wait to see an ear doctor and went to the closest urgent care. I was very glad to hear that. Doug's aunt had an issue with her ear and waited too long to see a physician. She ended up losing part of her hearing. Cal texted back later in the afternoon to say that it was an ear infection and that he would be starting an antibiotic today. That was great news. I know that it will still be a few days before he is completely healed as Cal always takes longer to recover from an illness than his siblings due to his compromised immune system, but hopefully by next weekend he will be back to normal and able to listen to his favorite musical artists again.
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