Sunday, May 15, 2016

So Far So Good

Brett has called home several times to check in and let us know what he is up to.  So far he is very happy and really enjoying it.  He lives in a house with a co-worker.  Their office is set up in the basement.  He has had to run errands and do some research work thus far.  He spent the weekend checking out Concord and all that it has to offer.  He was happy to report that he found a comic book store and several churches to try.  For being a state capital it is a relative small city which adds to its charm.  I am glad that he has someone to live with.  That will really help in the short term.  They have gone to dinner together and Brett has been able to learn more about what the expectations are for him.  He even got paid on Friday.  Not too bad for the first week of work.

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