Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Election Day

Brett made it home late last night.  He was excited to vote in the election in person instead of by absentee ballot.  He and Cal made plans to meet at the community center to cast their votes.  Cal could vote even though he would not be 18 for several weeks.  Since he will be 18 by the general election, Indiana allows him to vote in the primary as long as he registered early.  He did and was excited to cast his first vote.  Mom and Dad were working the polls and said that everyone cheered when they announced that Cal was a first time voter.

Brett was on the ballot as a delegate for the Indiana state convention.  He was one of fourteen names and he only needed to finish in the top thirteen to be elected.  The comical part for all of us was that his name was alongside our county sheriff who has been indicted for bribery and intimidation.  What a contrast in character.

By the end of the evening we did not know if Brett was elected, but we knew that Trump had easily won Indiana.  We were all shocked to learn that shortly after that decision Cruz withdrew from the race.  I was a little disappointed as I was not ready to give up, but knew it would probably end up that way.  My disappointment in the outcome, however, was overshadowed by my happiness when I saw the boys' picture from above.  What a great experience.  I am thrilled that they chose to spend the afternoon together at the polling center fulfilling their civic duty.

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