Sunday, April 19, 2015

Change of Season

The weather in Spring is never predictable and today proved no different.  The beautiful temperatures that have been in the 70s started to drop this afternoon as the rain settled in around 3 or so.  Cal was still able to get outside to play basketball with his friends and work on his golf game with my Dad.  Meg was extremely tired from the four games of basketball and one of soccer she played, but she did have time to shoot some baskets before it grew too cold.  Cameron and I thoroughly cleaned out the van.  It had needed to be done for many weeks, but the weather just hadn't cooperated.  Meg even joined in for awhile and before I knew it the van was almost new.  Cam was happy as he earned some extra spending money.  Meg is using her time for confirmation hours.

Tonight as the rain started we headed to Buffalo Wild Wings.  It was pretty quiet there.  I wonder if everyone was heading in before the weather dropped.  Meteorologists are predicting cold temperatures all week.  I am bummed about that, but thankfully it is Spring and cold weather cannot last forever.

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