Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A New Home

Today we started out on an adventure to Goshen.  Our plan was to eat lunch at Steak N Shake, go to the movie Cinderella and have piano lessons.  Unfortunately, Meg's medicine got the best of her stomach and before we knew it she was throwing up and our trip was cut short.

Our day was not without success, however, as before Meg became ill we had managed to pick out a new cage for Apollo at Petco.  He had long outgrown the tub he was living in and his house, but we weren't sure what we wanted to get for him.  I had looked for a larger tub, but none were deep enough.  Today, however, we finally found his new home.  It came with a ramp and a platform.  It is forty inches long, is deep enough and has a wire cage around it that easily pops on and off.

Cam and I quickly put Apollo's new home together and loved the fact that it was on wheels.  Cam and Meg both joked that they could now take him on walks (tie a rope to the cage) around the neighborhood.  Apollo is a chicken of a guinea pig and wasn't too sure of his new surroundings, but by the end of the day he had figured out that he could hide under the new platform and found a cozy corner to sleep in.  He still doesn't like the ramp and platform idea, but hopefully we will be able to entice him with carrots as he grows accustomed to the new living arrangements.

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