Monday, June 17, 2013


As we drove back from Bloomington on Thursday, Doug talked to Brett about his summer plans.  Doug's fear was that since Brett has never had two months of down time, he would start to worry about college or get bored.  Brett wasn't worried at all about that.  He tends to stay busy with writing, books, movies and such.  After today, Doug also has nothing to fear.  We decided over the weekend to have a garage sale with the proceeds to go towards Brett's college fund.  Thus, I thought it would be great to have Brett do the majority of the work, kind of like a part time job.  He was up early and spent several hours dragging boxes up from the basement, sorting through items, pricing and organizing.

After lunch Mom needed help and Brett spent the rest of the afternoon at her house working on various projects, such as mowing, power spraying, moving tables, etc.  He decided when he got home for dinner that setting up for the garage sale wasn't too bad!  We spent another hour in the garage tonight and then unloaded the truck with all of the items that Mom sent over.

It was a very productive day and tomorrow promises to be the same with eye doctor visits, volunteering at the library and working on the garage sale.  I told Doug tonight that I do not believe that he needs to worry about Brett staying busy.  In July he still needs to clean out his room, tubs of elementary/middle/high school memories and shop for college.  Brett was definitely tired, but glad to have accomplished so much!!

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