Friday, September 23, 2016

Fiddler on the Roof

Tonight Meg, Kaitlin and I went to see Fiddler on the Roof at Amish Acres.  It was as good as I remembered and I believe that the girls enjoyed it as well.  The first act was my favorite as always.  The songs were fantastic and Tevye was funny.  The second act was long, but we made it through all of it getting home around 11.  We were exhausted, but happy that we were able to attend this evening's performance.  We were running out of dates that we would able to see it before the next play took stage.  A lot of the actors that we were accustomed to seeing were in tonight's show as well.  That made it even better.

Cameron was supposed to go with us, but was invited to Conner's birthday slumber party.  He was excited about that and it was a good musical for him to miss as it was close to three hours long.  He got there at 5 as he didn't want to miss practice.  The plan was for the boys to swim and have Nerf gun wars.  He texted me close to ten to say they were having a great time playing Ghost in the Graveyard.  They were still going strong at midnight when I texted him "Goodnight!"

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