Sunday, July 10, 2016

Camp Crosley Week 1

We picked Gabrielle up at 1:15 for camp this afternoon.  Alex was singing the National Anthem at the South Bend Cubs game, so Paula wasn't able to take her.  The girls talked the whole way out and were so very excited.  They relived the highlights of all of their past summers at camp and kept remarking how they could not believe that they would be staying for two weeks.  Each year they talked of trying it, but always changed their minds when we registered.  Not this year, however, as they knew it was probably their last chance to do so and were more than ready to give two weeks a try.  Each decided that they would come home next Saturday and return on Sunday.  They thought they would need the time to recoup and get their laundry done.

They were one of the first girls in their cabin and picked top bunks that were side by side.  They were happy that one of the girls that they did not particularly care for last year was in a different cabin this summer.  We stayed long enough to take pictures and help them get a few items set up.  Doug and I hugged both girls before we left.  They wanted to recreate one of the favorite pictures from one of the first years that they went to camp.  It turned out great!  Glad they thought of it.  I will miss Meg a lot over the next two weeks, but I am thrilled that she has this opportunity.  She will talk of nothing else when she gets home.

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