Sunday, September 14, 2014

Buffalo Wild Wings

tToday all of us were able to hit up one of our favorite restaurants, Buffalo Wild Wings.  The Heinisch family's love of this restaurant started back when Doug and I were both students at IU.  There was a BW-3's within walking distance of campus and we both enjoyed going.  Back then Doug was more adventurous in his eating and tried the Wild wings.  Now we have our "use" as Meg would say.

Since school started we have decided to make it our Sunday night treat.  None of us are excited to start the work/school week, so we thought we would do something together the night before.  Cal does not join us, but today he did make it to Buffalo Wild Wings with his friends as well.  Tonight the four of us enjoyed delicious food and some great conversation a lot of which centered around Snap Chat and Meg's hilarious question on the way over.  After reading Cameron's golf card, she asked, "Who is Putts?"  Almost instantaneously she realized her error and we all had a great time coming up with a fictional last name for "Putts" Grandpa's new golf buddy.  I am still not looking forward to Monday, but it doesn't seem quite so bad now.

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