Friday, May 23, 2014


Today was a very frustrating day for me at school.  I found out that I may not be hired to work full time next year as they may need to leave that position open to entice an IT person to come in to replace Mr. Woodard.  That new teacher would then get to teach math in the afternoons instead of me.

I was beyond mad.  I have been working past my scheduled hours for this school year and have lost a lot of my prep time due to morning meetings.  Thus, most of my grading and lesson planning come out of my own time.  I thought I had come up with a solution that would allow me to work full time or at least get paid for the extra time with students that I am putting in.  It looks as though that may not happen.

Doug and I will sit down over the next few weeks and see what our options are.  I really like the students and teaching, and I love being at the same school with Meg and Cameron.  I just don't want to go back next year feeling resentful from the beginning.  That will lead to disaster and I know it.

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